This weekend I spent time setting up a small desk in the corner of my bedroom so that it could become my 'art studio'. It's a wee thing, but I decided it's my wee thing and I'm going to make the most of it!
I'll post more pictures of my space soon, but for now, this. I've been painting small paintings with gouache to get my feet wet again, and it feels familiar, though far away if you know what I mean.
I have to fight the trolls off, the trolls who try to shame me back into not writing, not arting. They are vicious.
I am dabbling in all kinds of art these days, a little bit of mixed-media collage, a little bit of digital art, a little bit of gouache, a little bit of writing. And I'm letting myself just play to see what feels right and to see if anything sticks. I know these are important first steps back into the artworld and towards my dreams of being an artist and writer.
I still only have a vague sense of where I'm going, but a strong knowing that I am on a journey of discovery and self-fulfillment. A large part of this path is rediscovering creative community, and embracing being among my people again! It's been so refreshing and heartening to slowly gather with creatives again, and I'm just so grateful.